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Archive for May 2012

Causes of the Tragedy Sukhoi super jet 100 in the mountains bow

Monday, May 14, 2012
Posted by Unknown
National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) said Sukhoi Superjet 100 crashed while climbing Mount Salak on May 9 at 14:33 pm, the mountain is covered with towering cumulonimbus clouds as high as 37,000 feet (11.1 km)."The simple logic, the pilot will find the safest way out. But to raise the plane to overcome the cloud may be considered too high, from 10,000 feet to fly over 37,000 feet. Therefore, the choice was to find a way to the right, left, or down, "said Deputy Science, Assessment, and Aerospace Information Lapan Thomas Djamaluddin, when contacted from Jakarta, Saturday.Therefore, he explained, the choice of asking for permission to lower the altitude of 6,000 feet the aircraft may be based on the consideration that there are a few gaps which are shown below, but too late to take into account the risk of more fatal to the mountainous topography.He described, the data show around the time of the incident MTSAT, clouds around Mount Salak did look very tightly with cloud coverage of more than 70 percent.Analysis of convection indices that can describe cloud height also showed a significant index of about 30 of Cb clouds (cumulonimbus) towering up to about 37,000 feet (11.1 kilometers).Satellite data, he added, illustrates that the time of the incident, the plane surrounded by towering clouds. In the moments before it crashed, informed the plane dropped from a height of 10,000 feet (3 kilometers) to 6,000 feet (1.8 kilometers), whereas high-Salak mountain about 2.2 miles.However this analysis, he said, just based on weather satellite data, just to give an answer while based on data, not based on unfounded speculation."Comprehensive analysis of other factors of course we are waiting for the flight rekamanan analysis by the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC), though of course the weather still not be ruled out," Djamal said.Meanwhile, former Head of Technical Unit of Artificial Rain BPPT encountered Syamsul Bahri said that, while flying in the clouds encircling a pilot has a high risk for sudden rise or fall suddenly."That's why, every pilot is always to avoid the clouds to avoid this risk by flying far above the cloud coverage. However, the pilot may have not mastered this rugged terrain, "said the Head of Planning BPPT experienced fly for weather modification service it. (Reuters / ea )

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Penyebab Tragedi Sukhoi di Gunung Salak.

Posted by Unknown
  Lembaga Antariksa dan Penerbangan Nasional (Lapan) menyatakan saat Sukhoi Superjet 100 menabrak tebing Gunung Salak tanggal 9 Mei pukul 14.33 WIB, gunung tersebut sedang diliputi awan Cumulonimbus menjulang setinggi 37.000 kaki (11,1 km).
“Logika sederhananya, pilot akan mencari jalan keluar yang paling aman. Namun menaikkan pesawat untuk mengatasi awan mungkin dianggap terlalu tinggi, dari 10.000 kaki harus terbang melebihi 37.000 kaki. Karena itu, pilihannya hanya mencari jalan ke kanan, kiri, atau bawah,” kata Deputi Sains, Pengkajian, dan Informasi Kedirgantaraan Lapan Thomas Djamaluddin, ketika dihubungi dari Jakarta, Sabtu.
Karena itu, ia menjelaskan, pilihan minta izin menurunkan pesawat ke ketinggian 6.000 kaki mungkin didasarkan pada pertimbangan bahwa ada sedikit celah yang terlihat di bawah, tetapi terlambat memperhitungkan risiko yang lebih fatal dengan topografi yang bergunung-gunung.
Ia menguraikan, data MTSAT menunjukkan sekitar waktu kejadian, awan di sekitar Gunung Salak memang tampak sangat rapat dengan liputan awan lebih dari 70 persen.
Analisis indeks konveksi yang bisa menggambarkan ketinggian awan juga menunjukkan indeks sekitar 30 yang bermakna adanya awan Cb (Cumulonimbus) yang menjulang tinggi sampai sekitar 37.000 kaki (11,1 kilometer).
Data satelit itu, tambahnya, memberi gambaran bahwa saat kejadian, pesawat dikepung awan tebal yang menjulang tinggi. Pada saat sebelum jatuh itu, diinformasikan pesawat turun dari ketinggian 10.000 kaki (3 kilometer) ke 6.000 kaki (1,8 kilometer), padahal tinggi gunung Salak sekitar 2,2 km.
Namun analisis ini, tegasnya, hanya berdasarkan data satelit cuaca, sekadar untuk memberi jawaban sementara berdasarkan data, bukan berdasarkan spekulasi yang tak berdasar.
“Analisis komprehensif tentang faktor lainnya tentu kita nantikan dari analisis rekamanan penerbangan oleh Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT), walau tentu saja faktor cuaca tetap tak dapat dikesampingkan,” kata Djamal.
Sementara itu, mantan Kepala Unit Pelaksana Teknis Hujan Buatan BPPT Syamsul Bahri yang ditemui mengatakan, saat berada di dalam kepungan awan seorang pilot memiliki risiko yang tinggi untuk tiba-tiba naik atau tiba-tiba turun.
“Karena itulah, setiap pilot selalu menghindari awan untuk menghindari risiko ini dengan terbang jauh di atas liputan awan. Namun mungkin si pilot belum menguasai medan yang berat ini,” kata Kepala Biro Perencanaan BPPT yang berpengalaman menerbangkan pesawat untuk layanan modifikasi cuaca itu. (Antara/ea)

sumber : www.orb.web.id


Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Posted by Unknown
News of the Tomcat deployment of nearly the entire city on the island of Java, making people wonder. Why is a kind of beetle insect populations could increase sharply.

According to Prof Dr Liana Bratasida, an environmental expert staff of the Ministry of Environment said the increase in population that exceeds the normal Tomcat as it is today, one of the causes of climate change is extreme.

The extreme climate changes that make this type of beetle populations Paederus are experiencing fertility. Almost the same case as that of the caterpillar population soared before.

In every area of ​​the actual existence of an existing Tomcat. They live in the area of ​​rice fields and plantations, until the farmers are already familiar with the presence of this insect.

In fact, the famous Tomcat as a predator of planthopper pests. Well-known pest of farmers able to make a big loss.

Now, as the case of Tomcat sticking beetles as they entered the houses and apartments, as well as make a lot of people were wounded by the poison, then in fact this is due to their natural habitat has been reduced or even destroyed.

And because of these extreme weather changes take place evenly across Indonesia, it is no wonder that an increasing population of Tomcat is not only in one area alone, but spread almost all over the island of Java.

It seems that, with the change in temperature and weather extremes are more uncertain because of the destruction of nature, there will be another surge in cases of insect or other animal populations in the future. God knows what else.
